Saturday, April 28, 2012

low lung capacity

Today has been a nice day.  I took my grand baby to dance lesson today.   We ate magical eggs that were in our breakfast burritos.   She and I both laugh and love every minute of it.  After dance we met my daughter and grand son at their house.   I left and did some errands then home. Pick up around the house, laundry and vacuumed.
This week I was told that my lung capacity is at 29% capacity and serve COPD.   I see my lung doctor in 2 weeks to go over test and find out what is the plan to increase that number.   If  I don't increase it then I will be joining my Savior earlier then I thought.   I am not afraid of dying but going through the pain of dying sucks. I told my daughter but we didn't get to talk about it.   I had planned to wait to tell her when I told my mom but she starting talking about taking the kids to swim lesson, dance and music lessons this summer.  I felt like I was expected to be the taxi for them.  I wanted her to know that I was going to be in pulmonary rehab this summer and to not plan on my help because I will be too busy trying to save my life.   Oh course I never got the chance to tell her that just that my lung capacity was at 29%.   I called my mom but didn't say anything about my lungs.   We were talking and my brother walked in and she had to go.   Old feeling came over me.  Not worth enough, boys came first. She talked about how nice it was that my brother and sister were running together.  That my other sister has started running too.  She was so happy that they were looking so good and thin.   I am fat obesity a big eye sore for the family.   Now I can't walk the 5k Zoo Run that is coming up.  Mostly because I haven't been walking. I am tried going to close for now.  

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